Research and Analysis
Desk Research
First, I started researching the overarching needs and goals of a web home page. These apply to all home pages, and the research is selected from various time periods. I chose these sources because I wanted my base understanding of home page needs to be timeless, avoiding undue focus on current design trends.
Based on my research, these are the key measures of an effective home page:
Balancing Complexity
The amount of diverse elements, imagery, and links all contribute to the home page’s level of complexity. Don’t add too much or too little, complexity has a sweet spot, and should be kept to a moderate level.
Essential Content
A quick overview of what you offer, without any extra details, a way of reaching everything on the site, and a way of contacting you are all necessary components of a good home page.
High Involvement
A home page must be involving to create approach behavior in a user. Involvement is a measure of how rich for exploration your page is.